Pacific Rim Press Releases

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This is archived information. It may contain outdated contact names, telephone numbers, Web links, or other information. For up-to-date information visit pages by topic or contact our Office of Public Affairs at For a list of public affairs officers by beat, visit the GSA Newsroom.

Date News Release Article
12/17/2019 La comunidad binacional celebra la finalización de la construcción en la Garita de San Ysidro
12/17/2019 Binational Community Celebrates Construction Completion at San Ysidro Port of Entry
11/12/2019 Front Street Temporarily Closed for GSA Construction Project
10/15/2019 GSA anuncia los cierres nocturnos alternos de la autopistas en dirección a San Ysidro
10/15/2019 GSA Announces Alternating Overnight Southbound Freeway Closures Leading to San Ysidro
09/10/2019 Front Street in San Diego Temporarily Closed for GSA Construction Project
05/29/2019 GSA to Open Four Additional Southbound I-5 Lanes at the San Ysidro Port of Entry
05/20/2019 GSA Opens Two New Lanes to El Chaparral Ahead of Memorial Day
05/20/2019 GSA Abre Dos Nuevos Carriles Hacia El Chaparral Delante del Día de los Caídos
04/30/2019 GSA cerrará temporalmente tramo de la autopista 5 sur por apertura de nuevos carriles hacia El Chaparral
04/30/2019 I-5 South Temporarily Closed as GSA Opens New Roadway to El Chaparral
04/11/2019 Apertura de nueva plaza peatonal en dirección sur en garita de San Ysidro
04/11/2019 New Southbound Pedestrian Plaza Opens at San Ysidro Land Port of Entry
04/08/2019 GSA cerrará temporalmente tráfico de la carretera Interestatal 5 en dirección sur hacia garita de San Ysidro
04/08/2019 GSA Temporarily Closes I-5 South Traffic Leading to San Ysidro Port
03/18/2019 President Trump’s Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Proposes Focus on Innovation, Physical Infrastructure, and Efficient and Effective Government
03/07/2019 Federal Budget for 2019 Includes $191 Million For Calexico West Port of Entry
03/07/2019 El presupuesto federal para el 2019 incluye $191 millones para el proyecto de la Garita Centro