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Master easy ordering with GSA Global Supply
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Topic area | Question | Answer |
Global Supply | Is GSA or the Defense Logistics Agency only required for certain items as a mandatory source, or should all sources be considered under FAR 8? | FAR 8.002 lists “Priorities for use of mandatory government sources.” Agencies differ in their application of this guidance to purchasing staff. GSA Global Supply competes on price and service as if there is no mandate. |
Global Supply | Discuss open market items and the rules regarding ordering them if they are allowed. | FAR 8.002 mentions GSA Global Supply and FAR 8.4 outlines use of the Multiple Award Schedule. Your agency policy is the best source regarding use of open market sources, but not that use of open market sources does not cancel legislative requirements like the use of AbilityOne products. |
Global Supply | When purchasing through GSA for items over the single purchase limit of $10,000, do we still need to go out for competitive bid? | GSA Global Supply routinely processes purchases over the $10,000 Micro-Purchase Threshold. Because these purchases are requisitions and we have already competed them, there is no requirement for three sources. FAR 8.4 does require this for MAS purchases over the MPT. |
Global Supply | Does the GSA wholesale supply source only apply to goods in the commercial market place or does it apply to both goods and services? | GSA Global Supply primarily handles products. Most of its service offerings tend to be ancillary to special order purchases. For example, if you bought a security system or roofing materials, we can arrange for installation. |
Global Supply | If GSA has the needed supplies, must agencies obtain those supplies from GSA? | See the Global Supply answer regarding FAR 8.002. Agencies differ in how they interpret and apply FAR 8.002. |
Global Supply | About 95% of my orders placed with GSA are canceled by the contractor due to contractor item availability. I’ve been told by contractors that GSA does not allow them to pull their product offering from the GSA site. Its rare when I have a successful purchase via GSA. Are efforts being made to improve the process? | Most of these cases are MAS vendors, and not GSA Global Supply. We are monitoring vendors for order status, on-time delivery and cancellations, and imposing penalties, including suspension from GSA Advantage, for poor performance. |
Global Supply | Are Global Supply and Multiple Award Schedule different programs? | Yes. GSA Global Supply is a G2G supply program where GSA owns the entire transaction — order acceptance, fulfillment, billing and customer service. MAS purchases are between customer and vendor, and the vendor provides billing, customer service, and more. |
Global Supply | Iris mentioned the goal to increase use of GSA Global Supply by entities other than DoD. Are state and local governments allowed to access and use GSA Global Supply? | Generally speaking, state and local governments are not currently allowed to purchase from GSA Global Supply. Before 2014, they could purchase wildland fire equipment. The exception is the District of Columbia. |
Global Supply | Is there a maximum dollar order limit? | As a practical matter, no. In reality, there would be a review and possible competition for orders over the Simplified Acquisition Threshold of $250,000. |
Global Supply | What do you do if the pricing through GSA is a lot higher than when you advertise on / open market | The best, most current source for GSA Global Supply pricing is online. The price you see is the price you pay, and will be shown on your order confirmation email as soon as you order. |
Global Supply | I have received a bait and switch offer many times. I have sent inquiries to GSA many times with zero results. | Such problems are typically linked to MAS vendors and not GSA Global Supply. Please submit details of such cases so we can follow-up with the vendors. |
Global Supply | What about the importance of conducting market research before procurement. Is it still necessary to conduct market research if we’re to utilize the GSA wholesale supply source. Please advise. | GSA Global Supply has competed all of its items and no further research is required. For very large purchases, you may with to comparison shop anyway, but it is not required. |
Global Supply | Does GSA have a CAGE or UEI code? |
Yes, for the Federal Acquisition Service as a whole, not just GSA Global Supply. |
Global Supply | What is the difference between GSA Global Supply and GSA Advantage? | GSA Global Supply is a requisition-based, government-to-government wholesale supply source. GSA Advantage is a website allowing users to purchase any of the one million products available from GSA Global Supply or any of the roughly 50,000 items available from MAS vendors. Purchases from MAS vendors are acquisitions, not requisitions. |
Global Supply | How often does GSA validate contracts and product availability from their vendors? Do you require them to update their inventory if they no longer have the items on their page? | This question is about MAS vendors. We do monitor vendors’ cancellation rates and can impose penalties, such as suspension from GSA Advantage, up to termination for failure to meet contract requirements. Vendors can submit updates to remove unavailable items at any time. System updates are run multiple times per week. |
Global Supply | Does the intergovernmental $10,000 threshold apply to DODAAC requisition purchases? | Treasury has lowered the cap on intragovernmental purchases using the GPC, from $50,000 to $10,000. This cap does not apply to AAC or DoDAAC transactions. |
Global Supply | What is the fee for service? | GSA Global Supply does not charge a fee for items under contract and visible online. There is a sliding fee for special order purchases, and this varies depending on the difficulty of procuring the item and the size of the purchase. We will provide notice of such fees in advance. |
Global Supply | How often is pricing updated in GSA Advantage? I have noticed that pricing on various products are not aligned with current market pricing. | GSA Advantage is refreshed multiple times per week. Vendors can request upward price adjustments through their contracting officer and, once approved these changes can be implemented quickly. Vendors can submit inventory changes, such as removing obsolete items, at any time and these are implemented within 24 to 48 hours. |
Global Supply | Are things bought on GSA Advantage considered an Interagency Agreement buy? | There is no requirement for an Interagency Agreement for almost all GSA Global Supply purchases. Exceptions would be those exceeding the SAT. Purchases on GSA Advantage from MAS vendors are not interagency. |
Global Supply | Do you have to be a warranted contracting officer to order through Global Supply or GSA Advantage? Can anyone order and provide a DoDAAC? | There is no requirement for a GSA Global Supply customer to be a contracting officer. Any authorized buyer with a GPC or valid AAC can purchase. An agency can identify or limit buyers as it sees fit. |
Global Supply | It sounds like Market Research is not needed given how GSA is organized. Is that correct? | No formal market research is needed to purchase from GSA Global Supply. That does not mean federal agencies cannot impose their own research and documentation requirements on its buyers. |
Global Supply | Have you resolved the issue of the products that are made in China, such as IBM routers? | GSA Global Supply products comply with Section 889 of the NDAA, the Trade Agreements Act and other applicable purchasing regulations. |
Global Supply | Supply issues by vendors have been encountered on several orders. When the order is placed the item is available, but within hours the vendor will respond with an out of stock or unavailable response. Is there a way for vendors to keep updated inventories? | Our Multiple Award Schedule program contracts with thousands of vendors, who vary in size, resources, and more. They all have the ability to submit updates to their product offering as items are discontinued or backorders arise. They should provide prompt notice if an item is cancelled or backordered. |
Global Supply | Is there anything we can do to expedite items that are backordered? | It’s difficult to answer a broad question with a simple yes or no. Circumstances vary and some backorders are unique to a single vendor, while others may impact many. For example, the recent missile attacks near the Red Sea have caused some shippers to detour around Africa, adding many days to shipping times. |
Global Supply | How does a purchase over the Micro-Purchase Threshold of $10,000 work? | Purchases of NSNs over the MPT process normally and no action is needed. This assumes buyer has a valid AAC or DoDAAC. Some large purchases of part-numbered items are quickly competed by GSA to assure the best pricing. No customer action is needed and the extra step normally adds only one or two days to the process. |
Global Supply | If needed, how would someone obtain a credit memo for GPC purchase? | Elaborate on this question via email to |
Global Supply |
Is GSA Global Supply competitive with Computer Hardware, Enterprise Software and Solutions, the Army’s designated primary source for commercial IT? If so, for any software license purchases, does GSA vet the vendor’s End User License Agreement and require a Government Addendum to the EULA as necessary? |
GSA Global Supply offers over 500 hardware items, including laptops, rugged tablets, monitors, and printers, and these are competitive with CHESS and SEWP. For software purchases or questions, contact our colleagues in the IT portfolio. |
Global Supply | Is there an Industrial Funding Fee? | Our MAS program has a built-in Industrial Funding Fee, typically 0.0075%. That fee is not billed to customers, but included in whatever price the vendor displays on GSA Advantage. There is no IFF on GSA Global Supply purchases. Its prices are inclusive. |
Global Supply | Is GSA Global Supply akin to FSSI? |
FSSI emerged as a way to streamline purchasing and achieve better pricing and service, typically from a smaller pool of suppliers. We launched FSSI in several product categories, and saw select vendors offer lower prices, often with a higher minimum order. GSA Global Supply also uses FSSI for office supplies, MRO products, and janitorial and sanitation items. What is different is that GSA Global Supply does not impose higher minimum orders on customers. |
Basic ordering agreements | Can you set up a BOA in advance of an emergency? | Emergency Acquisition BOAs can be used to buy any commercial supply or service in support of an emergency, including emergency preparation. |
Basic ordering agreements | Is a BOA similar to a Blanket Purchase Agreement? |
There are some similarities between BOAs and BPAs. Both are agreements and not contracts, so vendors must accept orders placed under both vehicles and the government cannot simply issue an order and require performance. Unlike BPAs, BOAs do not contain price lists. Prices for the EA BOA orders will be established at the time a quote is requested, and prices can change throughout the ordering period of a BOA depending on market conditions. Also, any commercial product or service may be ordered from the BOA as opposed to only those products or services included on a BPA price list. |
Basic ordering agreements | Do your BOAs allow for letter contracts where everything is not yet definitive? | While letter contracts are not specifically prohibited, we do not recommend them. EA BOAs are to be used for commercial supplies and services only. Cost type orders cannot be issued under EA BOAs. |
Basic ordering agreements | How is price reasonableness determined for BOA orders? | Requirements should be competed among the BOA holders and competition is used to determine prices as fair and reasonable. |
Basic ordering agreements | How do you keep vendors from price gouging? | Requirements should be competed among the BOA holders and competition is used to determine prices as fair and reasonable. If competition is unavailable, the contracting office should use other FAR methods for determining the price as fair and reasonable. |
Basic ordering agreements | Is Lowest Price Technically Acceptable the only evaluation preference for BOA orders? | No. While LPTA is the default evaluation scheme for the BOA, agencies can tailor their solicitation or evaluation to meet their individual needs. |
Basic ordering agreements | Are all BOAs holders MAS vendors? | No. The Emergency Acquisition BOAs are separate vehicles and are not related to schedules. While some of the BOA holders may also be MAS vendors, the two vehicles are not related. |
Basic ordering agreements | Do you have vendors located throughout the U.S.? I purchase for some very remote locations at times. | Yes. The 19 BOA holders span various locations and have capability to provide commercial supplies and services in support of emergencies throughout the U.S. and territories. |
Basic ordering agreements | How do you monitor performance? | Performance should be monitored at the order level, using CPARS when over the threshold. Orders for services should include a Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan IAW policy. We perform quarterly COR reports for all BOAs monitoring overall performance, but since BOAs are not contracts, the BOAs themselves are not reported to CPARS. Ordering agencies are responsible for reporting any orders placed to CPARS as required. |
Basic ordering agreements | Are the emergency BOAs available for state/local, or only GSA Schedule contracts? | Emergency Acquisition BOAs are only open to federal agencies at this time. |
Basic ordering agreements | How do you establish a ceiling? | BOAs are not contracts, so they do not have a ceiling. |
Basic ordering agreements | Can this be used for small alteration or construction projects under SAT? | The Emergency Acquisition BOAs can be used to purchase any commercial supply or service in support of an emergency. |
Basic ordering agreements | So you are placing purchase orders, that is, open market versus delivery orders, against established contracts? | Solicitations are issued to each BOA holder and orders are placed under the BOA. The process is similar to placing orders under a multiple award IDIQ contract or Multiple Award Schedule. However, BOAs are not contracts, so there are no established price lists or catalogs, and there is no minimum guarantee. |
Basic ordering agreements | Outside of a BOA not being a contract, IDIQs and BPAs are and have a minimum order level? | Minimum ordering requirements would be set forth at the contract level. If you are looking to purchase off of an existing IDIQ or BPA we recommend reading the contract terms and conditions to be sure you are aware of the specific ordering requirements for that vehicle. |
Market Research as a Service | Who usually submits the MRAS request? The COR or Contract Specialist or Contract Officer? | Market Research can be initiated by anyone involved on the acquisition team. The request is usually submitted by the contracting officer’s representative, contract specialist, or contracting officer directly involved in the acquisition decision-making process. |
Market Research as a Service | Would an RFI or market research report option be usable for a service labor hour contract type setup? | Yes, we can provide market research for a variety of contract types to include Firm Fixed Price, Cost Reimbursable, Hybrid with Cost, Labor Hour, and Time and Materials. |
Market Research as a Service | With MRAS, can your Market Research activity be used for more than GSA Schedules? I am looking for U.S. domestic sources to meet Buy American Act supplies. | MRAS researches all contracts under our current solutions to include GSA and VA Schedules, OASIS, HCaTS, and the 8(a) STARS III, VETS 2, and Alliant 2 Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts. MRAS researches GSA contracts only. |
Market Research as a Service | Is there a standard turnaround time given after submitting our MRAS request? | One of our customer service directors will contact you directly within 24 to 48 hours of your market research request submission. |
Market Research as a Service | Is MRAS available for Leasing Contracting Officers from an agency with a delegation for a specific location? | Yes, market research can be done for requirements in CONUS and OCONUS locations. |
Market Research as a Service | Most of our requirements documents are marked as Controlled Unclassified Information. Does GSA allow CUI marked documents? | We do not allow CUI-marked documents. Remove CUI markings on your draft requirements documents when initiating your market research request. |
Market Research as a Service | Does MRAS use Artificial Intelligence? | No, AI is not currently employed by MRAS. |
Market Research as a Service | After market research, can you compete a subset of contractors that are included as best fits to your technical requirements? | Once the RFI closes, you will receive a market research report showing which contractors are interested and potentially capable of performing your intended requirement. Additionally, you will see each contractor response to each technical questions outlined in the RFI. This information is provided to help you take that next step in acquisition planning. |
Market Research as a Service | I am a COR and we were told when submitting our RFI that we are not to use the product name, but to submit only the requirement to allow the industry to submit solutions to prevent reusing the same vendor or product over the years. Can you let me know which solutions of the three would best accommodate this requirement? | One option you can choose is the Product Market Research tool. We can research GSA Advantage data based on the manufacturer or part number you provide. |
Market Research as a Service | What market research vehicle would recommend for construction contracting? | MRAS can be used to research GSA’s Building Maintenance and Operations contracts for construction or facilities-related services. |
Market Research as a Service | Would MRAS be a good source for medical requirements, such as service contracts or medical equipment? It seems like GSA does not have a lot of medical equipment services. | Under delegated authority by GSA, the VA manages multiple award contracts for medical equipment, supply, pharmaceutical, and service Schedule programs. MRAS can also be used to research the medical equipment and supplies under the VA Federal Supply Schedules. |
ATRW is a premier offering for any government employee — federal, tribal, state, local, and military — looking to gain skills to improve the government’s buying power and reduce contract duplication. Formerly known as Acquisition Gateway University, ATRW has provided virtual training for thousands of individuals across the world since 2017.
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