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PBS Commissioner visits St. Louis

Six people wearing business attire standing in an office.
Assistant Matt Poisson, Facilities Management Division Director Chris Bolinger, Commissioner Nina Albert, Regional Commissioner Kevin Rothmier, Senior Building Manager Rocky Boice, and Energy and Sustainability Branch Chief Gabriel Sanchez. Photo by Larry O'Neill

Public Buildings Service Commissioner Nina Albert visited St. Louis last month. She spent time visiting GSA facilities, meeting with employees, and talking with customers.

She met the Smart Buildings Team, which created a model that elevates the system security and reduces total costs of operations for today's complicated building automation systems.

The model also expands the use of existing technologies and leverages those resources to internally develop its own Regional Operational Center.

The region is currently self-piloting its own program using tablets and cell phones to potentially expand the use of available convenience technologies in the next phase of enhancements.

“It's a pleasure to get to know the people who are serving our customers, tackling and resolving the hard issues, and generally making it happen,” Albert said.