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Benjamin Moore promoted to lease admin program manager

Person in suit and tie with dark background.

Benjamin Moore is the new PBS Region 6 Lease Administration program manager. He was promoted into the position last month, but continues to transition into the role while the Kansas Field Office works to backfill his previous position as lease administration manager.

What do you look forward to most about your new position?
Working with all the lease administration managers and regional service branches to uplift our regional lease administration program.

How do you think your previous experience has prepared you for the new role?
The previous position prepared me to understand GSA policy and methods at the ground level. That, along with my previous experiences in program management with other agencies, will enable me to have shared understanding when acting as a conduit between our national leasing program and the field offices.

Anything else you'd like to share?
I am very grateful for GSA, Region 6 leadership, the R6 lease administration community, and the Kansas Field Office team. I am so proud of our mission here at GSA and am honored to be a part of it.