Information technology policy
GSA’s Office of Technology Policy within the Office of Government-wide Policy develops, advances, and accelerates solutions that deliver world-class IT across government.
With a wealth of IT and policy expertise on our team, we enable agency implementation of government-wide information technology policies and programs, and use data, analysis and collaboration to deliver results and solutions that improve federal IT service delivery.
OTP operates several distinct lines of business, including:
- Emerging technology
- CIO engagement
- Digital strategy
- Information technology modernization
- Identity assurance and trusted security access
- IT Data Transparency
Under these business lines, we manage several government-wide programs and Communities of Practice (CoPs).
Through collaborative relationships with the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Office of E-Gov and IT, the Chief Information Officers Council (CIOC), and through their respective committees and communities of practice (CoP) we help to:
- Implement the Administration’s priorities and initiatives
- Direct policy Subject Matter Expert (SME) support, and
- Support federal shared services
- By government, for government—Our mission aligns with our government clients, to continuously improve the effectiveness of federal IT
- Long term solutions—Finding IT solutions for cross-agency issues, long after the spotlight is gone
- Leverage the federal enterprise—Maximize the purchasing and processing power of the federal government to enable faster, cost-effective adoption of new technologies
- CIO champion—Work with federal CIOs to understand, support and address their most challenging issues. CIO success is our success
Operating at the intersection of policy and program execution, our team helps CIOs navigate the complexities of federal IT, including: