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Cindy Clark joins Assisted Acquisition Services

Person with eye glasses and open collared shirt in front of dark red wall.

Contracting Officer Cindy Clark moved from the FAS Heartland Acquisition Center to the FAS Office of Assisted Acquisition Services. She started her new position, which is a promotion, Dec. 20.

Clark’s primary duties in her new position will be soliciting and awarding contracts and task orders on an individual basis for GSA customers.

What do you look forward to most about this new position?

Getting back to more in-depth contracting like I used to do prior to joining GSA two years ago, and learning more about FAR and GSAM/R regulations.

How do you think your previous experience has prepared you for the new role?

The work is very similar to what I did at my prior agency. I am just dusting off old knowledge.

Anything else you’d like to share?

The people at GSA have been a breath of fresh air. I've worked in the Heartland Acquisition Center both on the supply team and also with Multiple Award Schedules (as a detail), and both teams were so great to work with and for. In HAC, I was provided hands-on training, unlike anything I'd ever had in 19 years with DoD. I've only been in AAS for six weeks, but my supervisor and the whole team has been wonderful, very kind and helpful to answer questions.