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Congressional staffers tour St. Louis RAY Building's seismic renovation project

By Alison Kohler

Five people posing for a photo in in front of the soon-to-be completed seismic renovation project.
GSA PBS Regional Commissioner Kevin Rothmier, GSA Project Manager Matt Meeks, Miriam Stonebraker, of the Office of U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner, GSA Senior Advisor to the Regional Administrator Judy Dungan and GSA Heartland Regional Administrator Michael Copeland pose for a photo April 15 in front of the soon-to-be completed seismic renovation project. Photograph by Brian Barnett

ST. LOUIS, Mo. — The St. Louis East Field Office and the Office of the Regional Administrator hosted congressional staffers April 15 on a tour of a seismic renovation project at the Robert A. Young Federal Building.

GSA is on track to achieve substantial completion on the final phase of the nearly $75 million project within the next 30 days. GSA undertook the project to improve seismic performance, provide shelter-in-place opportunities and safer exiting for the 3,000 daily occupants of the RAY Federal Building following a seismic event.

The Design-Build project was awarded in September 2015, construction activities began in October 2016, and the final phase project is scheduled to be completed ahead of schedule.  The innovative approach to retrofit the building with seismic dampers while fully occupied is the first of its kind for GSA.

Congressional staffers in attendance at the meeting included:

  • Miriam Stonebraker, Office of U.S. Representative for the 2nd District of Missouri Ann Wagner
  • Sherry Faulkner, Office of U.S. Representative for the 1st District of Missouri Lacy Clay

The Heartland Region hosted staffers from the Kansas City area congressional delegation at a joint meeting with the Kansas City IRS Service Center March 29. Future meetings are planned on a quarterly basis to familiarize staffers with GSA’s regional portfolio and share information about ongoing and upcoming significant projects.