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FAS employee retires with 44+ years of federal service

A word cloud in different colors with Helpful, Professional, Warm, Responsible, Reliable, Kind, Sweet and Genuine in the middle.
At Josephine Carullo's virtual retirement ceremony July 29, the presentation included a word cloud of the words Carullo's colleagues thought best described her. Carullo retired Aug. 3 with over 44 years of federal service, and she served the past 22 years at GSA.

By Alison Kohler

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Supply Systems Analyst Josephine Carullo retired Aug. 3, capping more than 44 years of service to the U.S. government.

A storied career of federal service

Carullo began working at a local Veterans Affairs medical center dental clinic in 1972. After her first child was born, she took a break from service but returned to the VA to admit patients and assign rooms. Then she worked in financial management roles before coming to GSA’s Payroll Services Branch in 1998. In 2000, Carullo joined GSA’s National Customer Service Center and has been supporting all areas of the operation for over 20 years.

“I’ve enjoyed my time with each and every one of you and my time with the government,” Carullo said at a virtual retirement ceremony July 29.

For her dedicated service to the U.S. government, Carullo received several awards virtually at the event:

  • A GSA Service Award from Regional Administrator Michael Copeland.
  • A GSA Service Award from Federal Acquisition Service Regional Commissioner Mary Ruwwe.
  • A copy of a GSA request to the White House Greetings Office for a letter from President Donald J. Trump on the occasion of her retirement.

The 30-plus colleagues who virtually joined her retirement ceremony shared their well wishes and thanked her for her contributions. They described her as helpful, professional, warm, reliable, and uplifting.

“You will be missed as a co-worker, and definitely we want to keep in touch with you,” Ruwwe said.

Plans for the future

Besides spending time with her children and taking a vacation as part of her retirement, Carullo said she plans to work on her house and other things she has put off getting done.

“I enjoy cooking. My grandson said you have all of these cookbooks that you never use, so I think I’m going to use these cookbooks,” she said.

Although Carullo wasn’t able to see her colleagues and say goodbye in person because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ruwwe encouraged her to stop in and see everyone when they are back in the office someday.

Carullo said she lives in the metro area and plans to keep in touch.

“I will miss you, but I intend to stay in touch,” she said. “I’m looking forward to my time, but I’m going to miss seeing everyone and working with everyone.”