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GSA makes quick work of carrying out 2020 COVID leave for feds

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By Alison Kohler

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — In less than 90 days, GSA completed the system changes required to implement the Families First Coronavirus Response Act’s additional leave for federal employees.

“The new requirements were complex and required a lot of creative problem solving,” said Director John Geraghty, Consolidated Financial Services Division. “Teamwork and collaboration allowed GSA to be the first federal payroll shared service provider to completely implement the FFCRA leave codes and pay calculation changes.”

The particulars

Amount: Up to 80 hours of new leave available for use in connection with the coronavirus.
Rate: Either two-thirds or 100% of the employee’s average rate of pay, up to certain maximums.
Coverage period: Available to use between April 1 and Dec. 31, 2020.
Covered employees: GSA and most federal agency employees can access the emergency paid sick leave (up to 80 hours), but only some federal employees can access expanded family and medical leave (up to 10 weeks).

Shout-out to the team

Payroll Services Branch
Payroll IT Services Branch
HR Links (web-based system) team
Office of Human Resources Management policy team

“Ultimately we have a great team that was able to pull it off on time,” Geraghty said.

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