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GSA welcomes Cara Fowler to FAS

Cara Fowler

Contract Specialist
FAS Heartland Acquisition Center

Joined GSA February 2021

Cara Fowler and her four children post in front of a Christmas tree wearing matching outfits.

Where do you live? 
Platte City, Missouri

Where is your hometown?
Dearborn, Missouri, and Platte City, Missouri

What was your career journey, to where you are now?
When I was in college, I wanted to work for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. That didn’t end up happening, so I did a little bit of everything until I finally went to work as a federal employee in 2011. 

What other federal government or military experience have you had and for how long?
I worked at the IRS for one full tax season and part of a second; then moved to the VA where I have been since 2012.

What is your alma mater, degree or special training?
I received my B.A. in psychology and criminal justice and a Master of Public Administration from Park University - Parkville, Missouri.

What is your biggest professional or personal accomplishment?
My biggest personal accomplishment is being independent.

How do you recharge your batteries outside of work?
I watch movies and listen to music. When I can, I like to go to movies and concerts and out to eat. I have a close group of friends online that live across the U.S. and Canada that I frequently chat with.

Tell us a little about yourself. Children? Pets? Married? Hobbies?
I enjoy home renovations, electronic tinkering, 3D printing, and automotive fabrication. My home life is somewhat chaotic as I have four kids from ages 2 to 10, a Great Dane, and two husky puppies.