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GSA welcomes Ed Hubert to PBS

Ed Hubert

A person with glasses wearing a blue collared shirt and sweater, outside.
Regional Environmental Program Manager
PBS Facilities Management Division

Joined GSA April 2022

Where do you live?
Parkville, Missouri

Where is your hometown?
Leavenworth, Kansas

What was your career journey, to where you are now?
I've spent the past 35 years working on environmental management, most of that time working for private sector environmental engineering firms. More recently, I've worked a lot on renewable energy (wind and solar) siting, permitting, and development projects, and for the past three years I worked as an environmental specialist for FEMA. 

What other federal government or military experience have you had and for how long?
My only direct federal experience was working at FEMA over the past three years. But, I was a federal contractor for much of my career, working primarily for EPA, NOAA, and DOE. 

What is your alma mater, degree or special training?
University of Kansas - Bachelor's degree in environmental science, and a Master's degree in engineering management.

What is your biggest professional or personal accomplishment?
I'm especially proud of having worked on environmental cleanup projects that helped move Kansas City forward, including the Power & Light District, the (former) Sprint Center, and Berkley Riverfront Park, among others.

How do you recharge your batteries outside of work?
Reading, hiking, and walking.

Tell us a little about yourself. Children? Pets? Married? Hobbies?
My spouse Gayle is a geologist and has worked at EPA for 25 years. We have one adult son, who went to work for FEMA right out of college. Two cats at the moment, acquired as kittens during the 2008 Olympics and named (by my son) after Olympic swimmers Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte.

What three words best describe your personality?
Quiet, but friendly and enthusiastic.

What is one of the items on your bucket list?
Visiting all seven continents — four down so far, three still to go. 

What characteristic or value do you most admire in others?
Friendliness and integrity.

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself?
Happy to be at GSA, and looking forward to contributing to the team here.