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GSA welcomes Kenneth Finley to FAS

Kenneth Finley

Contract Specialist
Heartland Acquisition Center

Joined GSA June 2021

Kenneth Finley looking at his wife, Olivia.
Kenneth Finley with his wife, Olivia.

Where do you live? 
Kansas City, Missouri

Where is your hometown?
Columbia, Missouri

What was your career journey, to where you are now?
I graduated with a degree in agriculture from the University of Missouri. During that time and shortly after I worked in construction and logistics management. After different experiences in those roles, I discovered my love of business and finance and completed my MBA at Mizzou. Through those endeavors, I've been blessed with the opportunity to work for GSA.

What is your alma mater, degree or special training?
I graduated from the University of Missouri for both undergraduate and graduate school.

How do you recharge your batteries outside of work?
Outside of work I love anything outdoors and playing tennis with my wife.

Tell us a little about yourself. Children? Pets? Married? Hobbies?
I've been married for almost two years to my wife Olivia. We have a corgi, Penny, who helps us binge watch TV shows in our spare time. I really enjoy cooking and I love to have friends over to celebrate different holidays with unique cuisines (Cinco de Mayo, Mardi Gras, etc.).

What three words best describe your personality?
Driven, relaxed, creative.

What is one of the items on your bucket list?
I've always wanted to go heli-skiing.

What characteristic or value do you most admire in others?
I've always appreciated people who are not afraid to have difficult conversations. I feel those opportunities allow us to truly grow.