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GSA welcomes Nicole Gregory to FAS

Nicole Gregory

FAS Contract Specialist
Heartland Acquisition Center

Joined GSA September 2021

Nicole Gregory wearing a white sleeveless shirt and denim capris sits on a couch, smilin and surrounded by four adults and three children.
FAS Contract Specialist Nicole Gregory (4th from L) poses with children and grandchildren.

Where do you live? 
Leavenworth, Kansas

Where is your hometown?
Big Rapids, Michigan

What was your career journey, to where you are now?
When my kiddos were little, I worked jobs that coincided with their school schedules. In 2016 I started my first “career”' job with Veterans Affairs, and I moved to the contracting office in September 2017. I loved the contracting field and spent four years there before moving to GSA Sept. 26. 

What is your alma mater, degree or special training?
Bachelor's degree in management from Upper Iowa University at Fort Leavenworth and a Master's degree in administration from Central Michigan University.

What is your biggest professional or personal accomplishment?
Raising successful children/adults.

How do you recharge your batteries outside of work?
Spending time with my kids and grandbabies. Being a Mimi is the best thing ever!

Tell us a little about yourself. Children? Pets? Married? Hobbies?
I've been married to my husband, Jay, for 14 years. I have four children ranging from 33 years to 18 years old. My youngest son is in the Naval Nuclear Program, and he is set to graduate from his last school soon. My youngest is currently still home, so no empty nest yet. We now have five grandchildren, four boys and one girl. I absolutely love spending time with them. 

For fun and relaxation, I enjoy baking, mostly for others, so that I don't have the temptation to eat it all myself.

What three words best describe your personality?
Friendly, Humble, Dependable

What is one of the items on your bucket list?
Visit France.

What characteristics or values do you most admire in others?
Honesty and integrity

What is your unique talent, skill or gift?
To keep a smile on my face no matter what the situation and always find the positive.

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself?
Super excited to be a part of the GSA Team!