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Region 6 welcomes Wes Anderson

Wes Anderson
Contract Specialist
PBS Acquisition Management Division

Joined GSA March 2021

Two people stand near an airplane outdoors.

Where do you live? 
Grain Valley, Missouri

Where is your hometown?
Grain Valley, Missouri

What was your career journey, to where you are now?
I spent the last 12 years in the U.S. Air Force in the fuels industry, and I have been to over 15 different countries and have been on multiple military deployments. I have held many positions during my military career such as: operations manager, distribution manager, training manager, quality assurance manager, accounting manager, fuels contracting officer, and superintendent.

What is your alma mater, degree or special training?
Business (transportation and logistics management)

What is your biggest professional or personal accomplishment?
Being the first one in my family to complete a college degree.

How do you recharge your batteries outside of work?
Riding motorcycles, camping, and spending time with my wife and dog.

Tell us a little about yourself. Children? Pets? Married? Hobbies?
I have been married for seven years and have an 8-year-old beagle named Teka.

What three words best describe your personality?
Caring, Trustworthy, and Kind

What is one of the items on your bucket list?
Getting my private pilot's license.

What characteristics or values do you most admire in others?
Honest, Humble, and Hardworking

What is your unique talent, skill or gift?
Making people laugh.

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself?
I am excited about being with GSA and learning as much as I can, so that I can be a valuable team member.