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Rick Morrow moves to building management at Bolling

A person wearing a floatation device and bucket hat by a lake holding a turtle.

Rick Morrow of the Kansas City North Field Office is changing roles. Beginning in February, he will transition from project manager to building manager at the Richard Bolling Federal Building — primarily working with operations, maintenance, and safety aspects of the building.

What do you look forward to most about this new position?

I am mostly looking forward to the new challenge and learning something new. If you aren't a bit uncomfortable, then you are not challenging yourself to grow.

I have a very diverse background professionally, educationally, and personally. I think every position has an intrinsic value and need for diversity.

Anything else you’d like to share?

I never really considered building management until some of the field office leadership suggested it to me. They mentioned some of my tangible and intangible assets that I could bring to the table. This is the type of leadership and mentoring that can benefit GSA at all levels.