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Ron Smith-Valenti promoted, moves to RAY

Tight headshot of a person wearing glasses and a blue, collared business shirt.
Building Management Specialist Ron Smith-Valenti

St. Louis — Building Management Specialist Ron Smith-Valenti was promoted and made a move from the Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse to the Robert A. Young Federal Building Feb. 13.

What do you look forward to most about your new position?

I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn new and exciting things and push myself to be better in my career.

How do you think your previous experience has prepared you for the new role? 

I started years ago as part of an operations and maintenance team. Coming from a mechanical background has been extremely helpful with building awareness and functionality. I moved to GSA as a BMS 11 at the Eagleton building. Dealing with multiple agencies has helped with my customer service skills. Now being at the RAY building, I'm excited to see where this will take me.

Anything else you’d like to share?

I have been very fortunate to have worked with some amazing people so far throughout my career. GSA has provided myself and my family opportunities I may have not gotten elsewhere.