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 Federal Government Saves Nearly $6M With USDA Consolidation

SALT LAKE CITY -- The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Rocky Mountain Region hosted a ribbon cutting event on April 24 for the consolidation of two agencies that fall under the U.S. Department of Agriculture into newly renovated federal facilities. 

More than 200 employees from the Farm Production and Conservation Business Center (FPCBC) and the Forest Service Geospatial Technology and Application Center (G-TAC) relocated to modernized and energy efficient office space within the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building in a move that will save taxpayers approximately $3.7 million annually.

“We are proud to provide a new modernized space for our customers, in this case the two USDA agencies, but also because it will have significant savings long term for the American people,” said Tim Horne, acting regional administrator for GSA Rocky Mountain Region.
Both agencies had been in leased office space in West Valley City for more than 40 years but were able to move in to the Bennett Federal Building following the completion of a 16-month renovation project in December 2018.

The advantage of the new space is not limited to just saving money, it also offers a means to integrate with future technologies that will keep tenants current with future advancements. 

“As design progressed, the new space became a catalyst for the agency to identify new ways to manage their building moving forward, making them more streamlined and poised to serve the public and their customers for the next 20 years,” said Jason Sielcken, architect and senior project manager for GSA’s Office of Design & Construction. “The new space is designed with collaboration, space flexibility, and integrated technology at its core, all of which will improve the agency's ability to be competitive in attracting the next generation of talent.”

For more information about the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building visit