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Episode 14 - Growing Small Business

In the latest episode of GSA Does That!?, host Rob Trubia leads a discussion about the pivotal role of the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU). This program is a cornerstone for small businesses seeking to expand their presence in government contracting. The episode is particularly relevant for owners of small businesses who aspire to thrive in the challenging arena of government procurement.

This podcast goes beyond discussing contracts, it highlights a comprehensive support system encompassing resources, training, and access, aiming to provide more opportunities to small businesses looking to work with the federal government. Exodie Roe, the OSDBU Associate Administrator, joins the episode and provides insights into the initial steps a small business should take, future initiatives planned by GSA for small and disadvantaged businesses, and a range of other pertinent topics.

This episode is not just informative but empowering, offering key information and strategies to unlock significant growth opportunities for small businesses in government contracting.

Want to know more?

Are you looking for more information about the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) Check out the resource below!