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Episode 5 - The Future Workforce

If you've ever considered a career in the federal government, this episode of GSA Does That!? is a must listen. From tips on how to land a federal job to unveiling some of the lesser known benefits and opportunities that come with federal employment, you'll gain practical advice and insight that just might change your career path.

Our guests for episode 5 are Robin Carnahan, the administrator of GSA, and Kiran Ahuja, the director of the Office of Personnel Management. Both agency leaders share insights into the future workforce of the federal government and just why a career in government is so rewarding.

We talk about what the Office of Personnel Management is doing to attract the next generation of federal employees and we’ll discuss the renewed focus on federal internships and where to find them. 

As the largest employer in the nation, the federal government offers an extensive range of career paths and skill sets waiting to be explored. Whether you're a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or simply seeking a career change, this episode highlights why working for the federal government is an exciting and fulfilling opportunity.

Want to know more?

For a deeper dive into federal hiring, look at these resources to learn more.