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Episode 7 - So you want to own a lighthouse?

In the 7th episode of "GSA Does That!?" podcast, host, Rob Trubia sets sail into the world of lighthouses. Featured guest John Kelly, GSA New England Regional Director of Real Property Disposition, gives an overview of the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act of 2000 and details the steps to purchase a lighthouse from the federal government. His expertise provides valuable guidance for potential buyers.

Also joining the show is Matthew Stuck, US Coast Guard Waterways Manager. Matt highlights lighthouses' role in maritime history and their continued significance. His insights shed light on their navigational importance and how the Coast Guard chooses which lighthouses to turn over to GSA to sell, and why the Coast Guard continues to operate the beacon and horn after transfer and ownership from the government. 

The episode's special guest is Sheila Consaul, owner of Fairport Harbor West Lighthouse. Sheila shares her journey of restoring her own lighthouse, offering advice for those interested in owning these beautiful and historic structures. Her experience adds a personal touch to the episode and provides invaluable insight.

Whether you're a lighthouse enthusiast, a history buff, or just curious about lighthouse ownership, you'll learn the inner workings of the lighthouse program and just how the next auctioned lighthouse might become yours. 

Episode 7 educates and inspires, underlining lighthouses' timeless allure and place in modern times. Tune in for an exploration of these iconic maritime structures.

Want to know more?

Look at the resources below for more information about the lighthouse program.