Earth Day: Cleaner materials, greener technologies, lower emissions
Earth Day: Cleaner materials, greener technologies, lower emissions -
Pushing forward with green initiatives
Reducing waste – whether it be spatial, financial or environmental – across the federal government was a top priority for the agency in 2023 and will continue to be so in the new year. -
Green Proving Ground delivers triple win for taxpayers
The federal Green Proving Ground (GPG) program takes advantage of GSA’s substantial real estate portfolio to test innovative building technologies that have the potential to reduce operating costs and -
Podcasting? GSA Does That!
GSA is a complex agency.
In its 74 years of doing business, GSA is often thought of as the federal government’s landlord, or the place where traveling government employees check how much hotel rooms cost.
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Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories and possessions are set by the Department of Defense.
Rates for foreign countries are set by the Department of State.
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The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.