Diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility
Diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility highlights efforts toward underserved communities by addressing structural inequities by reducing barriers to knowledge of and access to programs.
Our DEIA plan
Our DEIA plan is a set of public commitments to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility through our mission delivery. This plan responds to an ongoing federal initiative directing agencies to take concrete steps to address systemic challenges facing underserved communities.
Personal Property Management’s DEIA goal
PPM’s DEIA goal is to raise awareness about the Federal Surplus Personal Property Donation program while ensuring diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility. PPM will also aim to reduce barriers to knowledge of, and access to, our program.
Federal Surplus Personal Property Donation program
GSA's Federal Surplus Personal Property Donation program - sometimes known as the Surplus Donation program - enables certain non-federal organizations such as state and local agencies and non-profit organizations to obtain surplus property from the federal government. The program ensures that unneeded government assets continue to benefit the public in communities across the country. The goal of the GSA Office of Personal Property Management is to ensure diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the program by raising awareness, reducing barriers, and ensuring equal access for underserved communities.
Determine your organization’s eligibility
To find out if you’re eligible, contact your local state agency for surplus property. SASPs are state-run organizations that administer the federal program for the donation of federal surplus property to public, tax-supported entities and eligible private nonprofit tax-exempt organizations. Contact your local SASP at nasasp.org/findmystate today to get started!
How federal agencies participate
Federal agencies simply report their property as excess personal property to GSA. Once the property completes internal and federal screening, it will automatically be screened to eligible recipients of the Surplus Donation program.
Benefits of federal agencies participating
There’s no cost to Federal agencies to dispose of property through GSA’s excessing program, and the donations have a positive impact on local communities! Nonprofits, educational institutions, hospitals, homeless shelters, veterans organizations and more are able to get much needed equipment to help those in need.
Benefits of receiving property/success stories
In just one day, 465 pieces of furniture and miscellaneous office/school supplies were donated to nine schools as part of a Furniture For Schools event hosted at the GSA Personal Property Center in Franconia, VA. These donations allow schools to stretch tight budgets by donating gently used furniture, supplies, and equipment in place of purchasing brand new items.
A King Air N914JA plane with an original acquisition cost of $1.5M was donated to the Lake Area Technical College in Watertown, South Dakota for use in its Aviation Maintenance Technician and Professional Fixed-Wing Pilot student programs. LATC is the oldest technical school in South Dakota and is committed to attracting and graduating Native American students. The aircraft is invaluable to the college and students of the Aviation Maintenance Technician and Professional Pilot programs, who will use it to learn both aviation operation, maintenance and piloting.
In conjunction with PPM, the Maryland Department of General Services donated over 1.1 million diapers, 500,000 wipes and two pallets of feminine-hygiene products to over 40 eligible nonprofit organizations to distribute to local communities.