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Episode 4 - Green Proving Ground

In this fourth episode of "GSA Does That!?", we talk to Kevin Powell, the director of GSA’s Green Proving Ground (GPG). Kevin sheds light on the program's revolutionary efforts in transforming federal buildings into testbeds for clean energy innovation. He explains that GPG is a series of high-tech initiatives focused on evaluating innovative building technologies. We learn that the program aims to improve our country by implementing these technologies in existing federal buildings, offering a glimpse into the future of sustainable energy and construction.

The conversation includes highlights from some of the most exciting technologies being tested at GPG, such as ultra insulated windows that can be retrofitted into old buildings, providing insulation equivalent to solid walls. Kevin talks about how 39% of US energy is spent on buildings, creating a significant impact on carbon emissions. This gives GSA the incredible opportunity to substantially reduce emissions by implementing sustainable energy throughout its real estate portfolio, one of the largest in the world. 

The podcast discusses the exciting news of a $30 million investment from the Inflation Reduction Act, announced by GSA Administrator Robin Carnahan, and its impact on reaching GSA’s goal of achieving net-zero emissions in all federal buildings by 2045.

Be sure to listen to episode 4 of "GSA Does That!?" to learn more about GSA’s role in advancing clean energy innovation and to hear how Director Kevin Powell and the entire Green Proving Ground team are working to create a cleaner planet for our children.

Want to know more?

For a deeper dive into the Green Proving Ground, look at these resources to learn more.