Greater Southwest Feature Stories and News Releases

2025 (current year) | Archives: 2024 ,2023,2020

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This is archived information. It may contain outdated contact names, telephone numbers, Web links, or other information. For up-to-date information visit pages by topic or contact our Office of Public Affairs at For a list of public affairs officers by beat, visit the GSA Newsroom.

Date News Release Article
12/19/2024 La GSA adjudica contrato de $264 Millones para el Puerto de Entrada de Brownsville-Gateway en Texas a través de la Agenda de Inversión en América de la Administración Biden-Harris
12/19/2024 GSA awards $264M contract for Brownsville-Gateway Land Port of Entry modernization project in Texas through Biden-Harris Investing in America agenda
11/12/2024 Kika de la Garza LPOE Receives BIL-Funded Lighting Upgrades
10/09/2024 La GSA organizará una reunión pública para la modernización del Puerto de Entrada Terrestre del Puente de las Américas
10/09/2024 GSA to host public meeting on the Bridge of the Americas port modernization
09/20/2024 La GSA publica el borrador de Declaración de Impacto Ambiental del proyecto portuario Puente de las Américas en El Paso
09/20/2024 GSA releases draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Bridge of the Americas port project in El Paso
08/16/2024 GSA comienza construcción de un proyecto en el Kika de la Garza LPOE en Pharr, Texas
08/16/2024 GSA Starts Construction at Kika de la Garza Land Port of Entry in Pharr, Texas
07/29/2024 GSA y la CBP anuncian la finalización de un proyecto a pequeña escala que donó la ciudad de Pharr al LPOE de Pharr
07/29/2024 GSA and CBP Announce Completion of Small-Scale Project Donated by the City of Pharr at the Pharr LPOE
06/17/2024 La GSA organizará una reunión pública para la modernización del Puerto de Entrada Terrestre del Puente de las Américas
06/17/2024 General Services Administration to host public meeting for the Bridge of the Americas Land Port of Entry modernization
05/29/2024 Judge's Bench From Historic 1950s Desegregation Case Featured in Supreme Court Exhibition
05/13/2024 The LBJ Suite: Preserving American History in Region 7
04/30/2024 GSA partners with San Antonio-based My Business Matches for small business event
04/30/2024 GSA Regional Administrator engages in strategic outreach efforts in Arkansas, highlighting opportunities for small businesses and students
04/16/2024 Remembering OKC: GSA Retiree Richard Williams Shares His Story
04/16/2024 GSA hosts Industry Day for Brownsville-Gateway Land Port of Entry modernization project
04/05/2024 GSA Participates in Ribbon Cutting for Donation Project at Los Tomates LPOE
04/03/2024 General Services Administration receives nearly $66 million for critical upgrades to Oklahoma City Courthouses
03/05/2024 San Antonio Courthouse Receives Construction Awards
01/16/2024 General Services Administration Announces Final Open House for Sale of Federal Helium System Assets near Amarillo, Texas