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    Showing our commitment to history by investing in Detroit's future

    | Ann P. Kalayil, Great Lakes regional administrator
    Earlier this month, we marked the start of something exciting at the Theodore Levin U.S. Courthouse in Detroit when we broke ground on our $140 million investment in the building. This three-phase pro…
  • Employee outreach program connects agency work to community impact

    | Sally Mayberry, Rocky Mountain Region public affairs
    GSA’s impact is broad and deep across the country. It’s so broad that sometimes it’s difficult to connect the dots and to understand how exactly the agency and the work of our nearly 12,000 employees…
  • GSA's Northeast and Caribbean Region Reaches $1.6 Million Mark in Demand Response Rebate

    | Nisha Jasani, Office of Communications and Marketing, Northeast & Caribbean Region
    For a third year in a row, Public Buildings Service (PBS) Commissioner Norm Dong, Regional Administrator Denise Pease, and Regional Commissioner Frank Santella gathered at the Jacob K. Javits Federal…
  • Turning Dirt On The Most Efficient Aerospace System In The World

    | George Northcroft, Regional Administrator
    The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) broke ground on a new sustainable, secure, and cost-effective facility for the FAA on Tuesday, June 7, at t…
  • Making sustainable procurement easier across government

    | Kevin Kampschroer, GSA Chief Sustainability Officer and Director, Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings
    GSA is expanding our Sustainable Facilities Tool (SFTool) with a new pilot platform that streamlines sustainable product procurement for vendors and buyers….
  • GSA's Energy Saving Projects Save Taxpayers Money

    | Sylvia L. Hernandez, Greater Southwest Regional Administrator
    Today, during our Earth Day celebration, I had the pleasure of accepting an energy rebate check for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) in the amount of $12,645.  The rebate was for a GSA’s energy saving project to replace over 200 standard…
  • GSA Acts on Climate

    | Jed Ela, Sustainability Advisor, Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings
    In June 2015, President Obama issued an Executive Order to cut the federal government’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40 percent. Since 2008, GSA has supported the President’s efforts by cutting t…
  • GSA Looks Back at the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

    | Matthew Burrell
    In 2009, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), to provide $787 billion in economic stimulus during the recession. The General Services Administration (GSA) received $5.5 billion of ARRA funds to convert…