Ongoing Roads/Grounds Improvements
Asphalt Repairs
Over the next three month, crews will be performing seasonal roadway and parking lot repairs and overlays. Please be patient with us as we work to keep the campus streets and parking lots as smooth as possible.
Landscape Changes
In an effort to achieve water reduction measures, we will be replacing some areas of improved (spay irrigated) grass with xeriscape features and drip irrigation. The areas will remove sod and replace it with succulent and decorative plantings modeled after the Gate 1 entrance median and elsewhere on the campus. Our first project will be on the west side from Gate 5 to 8th St. along with the triangle area north of building 85A. In the future, we will add similar areas throughout the campus.
Along with our water reduction measures, we are also removing the concrete in several of our medians and replacing it with tri-colored rock, mulch and decorative features that allow more rainwater and snowmelt to penetrate the ground adding to the water table instead of storm runoff.
Finally, over the last three years we have been using natural water from the Downing Reservoir for hand watering drought-stricken areas of non-irrigated landscape as well as flower beds and small trees. We have also asked our construction contractors to use the Downing water instead of drawing from the fire hydrants for dust control measures on their project to reduce the amount of treated, potable water. This measure has reduced our potable water use by as much as 265,000 gallons per year!