IT Data Transparency
The IT Data Transparency division coordinates with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the Chief Information Officers Council (CIOC), and other federal agencies on technology budget and spending initiatives. The division comprises two parts: (1) the Technology Business Management (TBM) Project Management Office (PMO) and (2) the Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) PMO.
Division Functional Statements:
- Coordinates policy between OMB, the Chief Information Officers Council (CIOC), and other federal agencies on a variety of IT governance, Capital Planning and Investment Control, and IT management issues.
- Manage a federal shared services that supports both the agency internal collection and reporting of IT project cost, schedule, risk, performance, and contract data to feed internal agency IT governance processes as well as the external reporting to OMB Office of the Chief Information Officer (OFCIO).
- Manage a public facing software solution that collects agency IT budget and management data that serves as both an input into OMB Budget deliberations as well as provide transparency to GAO, Congress, and the public.
- Manage a governmentwide community of practice that facilitates and provides a repository for the sharing of best practices and lessons learned among federal agencies as they work to mature their internal IT Data Transparency initiatives.
Technology Business Management (TBM) Project Management Office (PMO)
The TBM PMO works with OMB OFCIO to provide best practices and lessons learned to federal agencies as they mature their internal IT Data Transparency initiatives. TBM, one of those initiatives, is an external standard taxonomy to categorize IT spending. The TBM taxonomy uses existing data collected across various systems and enables data driven decisions. It provides agencies with improved IT cost transparency, resulting in a better understanding of IT resources, how they’re used, and what drives cost. The IT Data Transparency team guides Federal agencies through the management of the CIO Council's Federal Technology Investment Management (FTIM) Community of Practice (CoP) to successfully implement TBM to improve the way they buy, build, and use technology.
Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) Project Management Office (PMO)
Enables agencies, OMB, Congress, GAO, and the public to understand the value of their federal IT portfolios, manage the health of their IT investments, and make better IT planning decisions through the use of the CPIC software solutions and the collaboration of a cross-government community of practitioners. It does this through managing the agency-facing Folio application, the public-facing IT Dashboard (ITDB) application, and the IT Collect Application Programming Interface (API), as well as providing services and support to our member agencies.
Folio Federal Shared Service
Folio is the premier state-of-the-art, government-owned, web-based, fee-for-service, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) technology solution for federal agencies, and is the successor to the legacy Electronic Capital Planning and Investment Control (eCPIC) application. Folio supports member agencies in performing internal portfolio management, IT governance processes as well as meeting their external reporting requirements to OMB.
The Folio application is fully funded through an annual subscription based, fees-for-services delivery model. Folio receives no appropriated funds from Congress and all program expenses are collected from the annual fees charged to the subscribing member agencies. Lack of reliance on appropriated funds as well as the need to provide member agencies best “value for the money” aligns the CPIC program directly with a “customer focus” model more common to the private sector than Government Agencies.
Federal IT Dashboard
The Federal IT Dashboard (ITDB), was launched in 2009 by the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Office of the Federal CIO (OFCIO) to provide federal agencies and the public with visibility into how federal IT dollars are spent as well as report on the general health of agency IT investments. In March of 2022, GSA released a modernized version of the Federal IT Dashboard, which replaced the legacy system, to provide a one-stop shop for federal agencies and the public to better access information on federal IT spending. GSA works closely with the OMB OFCIO, who sets the Administration’s IT strategy, to ensure we’re bringing transparency to IT investments and holding the federal enterprise accountable in making investments that will deliver a simple, seamless, and secure customer experience to our customers. Information on the ITDB includes IT budget data, as well as IT project level cost schedule, risk, and performance. Lastly, the ITDB enables OMB OFCIO to conduct its oversight authority under the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) and the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996.