Chair. In accordance with the authority, the Chair of the Committee shall be the GSA Administrator or the GSA Administrator's designee. The Chair serves several roles, including but not limited to: Committee leader, meeting facilitator, team/consensus builder, liaison between the Committee and DFO, manager of Committee activities (including meetings) and timelines, key developer and integrator of Committee work products, and is generally the spokesperson for the Committee. The Chair:
a. Presides at advisory Committee and subcommittee meetings.
b. Directs and manages the work of the Committee or subcommittee during and in between committee meetings.
c. Works closely with the DFO to ensure committee activities serve the purpose of the FSCAC as provided in the authority, complies with the authority, the FACA, the FACA Final Rule in the Code of Federal Regulations, and GSA’s internal agency regulations regarding managing FACA Committees.
d. Certifies the accuracy of the minutes for each meeting within 90 calendar days to which the meeting relates.
e. Advises the public at the beginning of each meeting about the Committee’s rules on public participation.
f. Conducts each meeting in accordance with the approved agenda.
g. Facilitates committee member discussions to maintain focus on areas relevant to accomplishing the agenda and keeps members engaged.
h. Determines when comments are not germane, when it’s time to end the discussion, when a topic should be assigned to a subcommittee for further consideration, or when discussions should be tabled until the next meeting.
i. Coordinates how the work products/ recommendations of the Committee are organized, generated, and transmitted to the GSA Administrator.