National Stock Numbers
GSA Global Supply offers easy access to National Stock Numbers (NSN) via the requisition process. Requisitioning is a simple method for agencies to acquire products directly from GSA. Agencies submit a requisition/order to GSA for a simple government-to-government transfer that is quick, safe, and compliant.
GSA has already conducted a competitive procurement, and complies with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and other relevant regulations. Therefore, requisitions, regardless of size, fulfill all FAR requirements. In addition, they satisfy environmental initiatives, trade agreement policies, socioeconomic goals, AbilityOne mandates, and executive orders.
Customers can place orders using a SmartPay® purchase card or arrange direct billing using their Activity Address Code (AAC/DoDAAC) or the equivalent. Product fulfillment, order status, billing support, and comprehensive customer service for agencies using the requisition method are provided by GSA.