3D printer filament NSNs
A collection of superior 3D Printer Filament National Stock Numbers (NSNS) are being offered through GSA Global Supply in partnership with AbilityOne®. No contract is needed. These items can be ordered through GSA Global Supply with your purchase card or your AAC/DoDAAC and ship within 7 days.
BROCHURE: See the complete collection of GSA Global Supply AbilityOne® Filaments that include ABS Pro, PLA, Nylon Pro, and Water Soluble Support in this product line brochure [PDF - 481 KB].

As referenced in FAR Subparts 8.0 and 8.7, once a product or service is on the AbilityOne® Procurement List, the Government must buy it from the organization designated by the Commission until the government no longer has requirements for that item, or until a nonprofit agency employing people who are blind or have significant disabilities can no longer furnish that item. Through the AbilityOne Program, people with disabilities enjoy full participation in their community and can market their AbilityOne-learned skills into other public and private sector jobs. The AbilityOne Program strives to reduce the unacceptably high percentage (70%) of Americans with disabilities who do not have jobs.
Not finding a National Stock Number (NSN) for the 3D Printer Filament you need?
GSA Global Supply items* without standing contract coverage (i.e. all NSNs with Acquisition Advice Codes (AAC) NOT equal to H) do not appear on the GSA Global Supply ordering site. “GSA Global Supply items” refers to products managed and billed by GSA Global Supply.
You have options.
Those items, as well as commercial part numbers managed by GSA may be requisitioned offline by emailing your MILSTRIP/FEDSTRIP order to GSA. Simply search GSA Advantage for the part number(s) you need and follow the steps below:
- Step 1 - Complete your order forms:
- Military customers use DD 1348-6 [PDF - 561 KB] (one form per line item). For help with that form, see MILSTRIP Guidance for DD Form 1348-6 [PDF - 121 KB]
- Civilian customers use SF344 [PDF - 332 KB]. For help with this form, see FEDSTRIP Operating Guide.
- Step 2 - Copy screenshots of every item as it is listed in GSA Advantage.
- Step 3 - Send your form and screenshots, in an email, to ncscorders@gsa.gov
You may also order a GSA Schedule item in GSA Advantage instead. GSA Advantage displays more than 20 million products and services available from more than 18,000 Multiple Award Schedule contractors. “Schedule items” refers to products offered by commercial vendors holding a GSA Schedule contract. These vendors generally bill a customer’s purchase card and cannot bill a customer via DoDAAC. GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule can help!
Watch the 2024 Additive Manufacturing/3D Print Solutions Webinar to learn the best ways to seamlessly purchase additive manufacturing and 3D printed products from Multiple Award Schedule contractors.
Note: This video is hosted by a nongovernment website.