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GSA Awards Architectural/Engineering Contract for new Federal Courthouse in Greenville, Mississippi

New courthouse to support the Judiciary’s Fifth Circuit in the Northern District of Mississippi

GREENVILLE, Miss. -- The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has selected the team of Duvall Decker Architects with Eskew+Dumez+Ripple to lead the design for a new U.S. Courthouse in Greenville, Miss. This facility will provide 62,000 square feet to support the operations of the U.S. Courts, Fifth Circuit in the Northern District of Mississippi. The project represents a $40.1 million federal investment in the heart of Greenville's historic central business district.  

“GSA’s courthouse program is one of our top priorities,” said GSA Greater Southwest Regional Administrator Bobby Babcock. “The award of this contract brings us closer to fulfilling the needs of the courts in the fifth circuit while also helping boost the local economy in Greenville.” 

“Our court is excited and proud to have Mississippi-based DuVall Decker selected as the architectural firm tasked with the design of the new federal courthouse in Greenville,” said Chief Judge Sharion Aycock. “We look forward to constructing an outstanding facility that will honor the great people and heritage of the Mississippi Delta.” 

GSA anticipates the completion of the new federal courthouse design by Summer 2019 with occupancy in Fall 2021. 
