Leased spaces
- Baseline drinking water quality tests: We are establishing baseline drinking water quality tests for approximately 6,000 leased spaces in FY2024. Leases excluded from this requirement include:
- Leases with 0 square footage (e.g., parking, antennas, kiosks, etc.) as these are assumed to not have drinking water systems
- Leases that expire during FY 2024.
- We will establish baseline drinking-water quality tests for:
- Legionella
- Total coliform
- E. coli
- Lead
- Copper
- Testing schedules will be communicated to agencies at the local level by GSA’s designated Lease Administration Manager.
What to expect during testing at leased spaces
Testing results timeline: Testing for Legionella requires a 14 day analysis. Testing for total coliform, E. coli should be available within 24 hours. Lead or copper requires up to a 7 day analysis. We will not receive final reports until approximately 30 days after testing.
Response actions: When we receive results that indicate that applicable EPA, state or local thresholds have been exceeded for lead, copper, total coliform bacteria, or E. coli, or when growth is not well controlled for Legionella, the lessor will be required to:
- Notify tenants and post relevant signage
- If indicated, restrict access to impacted outlets or spaces
- Begin corrective actions, such as system flushing and adjusting operational parameters
- Retest the impacted fixtures once corrective actions are complete
- Notify tenants of follow-up testing results
- Continue with additional corrective actions and testing if deemed necessary