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Episode 1 - Civic Tech

Episode 1 of “GSA Does That!?” features an interview between GSA Administrator Robin Carnahan and Presidential Innovation Fellow (PIF) Executive Director Rebeca Lamadrid. The episode showcases the behind-the-scenes, forward-thinking nature of technology and innovation in government work, especially within GSA and among our agency partners. 

Administrator Carnahan conveys her strong interest in helping tech and innovation experts choose public service to help enrich the lives of Americans and enhance government operations. Director Lamadrid explains why the PIF program is a great example of how to do just that and how PIF participants are making an impact by working on big challenges across many federal agencies. 

With GSA now focusing on areas like improved customer experience across government, now is the perfect time for you or those you know to engage with the PIF program whether as a participant or as a partner agency

This year’s window for interested individuals to apply for the PIF program is open until June 23, 2023. More information, including how to apply, can be found at  

Stay tuned for episode 2, where we’ll hear from current PIFs about their innovative projects and diverse experiences within the program. 

Want to know more?

For a deeper dive into technology at GSA and across the government, look at these resources to learn more.