Please contact APEX Accelerators. APEX Accelerators offers seminars, individual counseling, easy access to bid opportunities, contract specifications, and other information necessary to successfully compete for government contracts.
A PSC manual is available on the Federal Acquisition website.
Small business data for each Federal agency can be found on the System for Award Management (SAM) website under "Small Business Goaling Reports".
GSA eLibrary is the one source for the latest GSA contract award information. Search the Contractor Directory for a list of GSA Schedule contractors.
GSA eLibrary is the one source for the latest GSA contract award information. Search the Contractor Directory for a list of potential teaming partners.
Industry days are listed on the GSA Events and Training page and GSA Interact training page.
A list of OASIS contractors is in the GSA eLibrary.
For more information on resources provided by the GSA Ombudsman, visit the Office of the Procurement Ombudsman page.