FBI Headquarters consolidation

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For updated information on this project please see the GSA Site Selection Decision Document.

The U.S. General Services Administration has selected 61 acres in Greenbelt, Maryland, as the site for the new home for the FBI headquarters campus.

GSA determined Greenbelt to be the best option for the FBI and the United States government because the site was the lowest cost to taxpayers, provided the greatest transportation access to FBI employees and visitors, and gave the government the most certainty on project delivery schedule. It also provided the highest potential to advance sustainability and equity.

The FBI currently occupies the J. Edgar Hoover Building, located at 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, and numerous other leased facilities that support its headquarters functions. The project involves exchanging JEH for a new facility in Greenbelt, Maryland that can accommodate the FBI’s headquarters operations and allow it to consolidate into one location.

In January 2013, GSA issued a Request for Information to garner reaction from members of the development community, local and state jurisdictions, and other interested parties regarding feasibility, issues, and considerations of such a transaction structure. The 38 responses to the RFI helped to inform GSA’s strategic planning for the project.

In November 2013, the RFI was followed by a Request for Expressions of Interest for sites within the National Capital Region to be used for the development of a new FBI headquarters. In addition to the sites submitted in response to the REOI, GSA also considered government-owned sites. From the REOI process, three acceptable sites were identified; one in Fairfax County, Virginia and two in Prince George’s County, Maryland.

On December 19, 2014, GSA issued a Phase I Request for Proposals (Phase I RFP) seeking an exchange partner to develop, design, construct, and deliver the new facility. The Phase I RFP process was used to select a short list of up to five qualified offerors to compete in the Phase II procurement.

In January 2016, GSA issued the Phase II Request for Proposals (Phase II RFP) to the shortlisted offerors, which detailed the requirements of the new facility and information on the three selected sites.

As part of the Fiscal Year 2022 Consolidated Appropriations Act, Congress directed the GSA Administrator to select a site “as expeditiously as possible” from one of the three previously identified sites during project planning in 2016: Greenbelt, MD.; Landover, MD.; and Springfield, VA.

On September 22, 2022, GSA developed and publicly released a Site Selection Plan [PDF - 307 KB] based on the agency’s best practices in site selection, which considered the following: FBI Proximity to Mission-Related Locations; Transportation Access; Site Development Flexibility and Schedule Risk; Promoting Sustainable Siting and Advancing Equity; and, Cost. The agency determined that Greenbelt was the most advantageous of the three sites after evaluating these factors.

On November 9, 2023, selected Greenbelt, Maryland, as the new site for the FBI HQ. Now that a site selection has been made, GSA will begin the acquisition process for the site and, as directed by Congress, begin development of a comprehensive project fact sheet (known as a prospectus) for submission to Congress.

In addition to the Greenbelt campus, and in accordance with the President’s Budget, parallel efforts are underway to identify a downtown Washington, DC, location that accommodates 750 to 1,000 FBI employees. This downtown location will allow for continued FBI accessibility to the Department of Justice and other key partners, as well as move the FBI out of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, which is at the end of its useful life.

Documents providing further information on this decision can be found in GSA’s Electronic Reading Room.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to consider the impacts that a proposed action may have on the human environment as part of their decision making process. GSA, as lead agency, with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), and the National Park Service (NPS), as cooperating agencies, is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to guide the evaluation of alternatives for a new permanent location for a consolidated FBI Headquarters (HQ).

Graphic of NEPA Process

Transportation Update Meetings

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is planning to hold public meetings to discuss the updated transportation impacts related to the consolidation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters (FBI HQ) at a new permanent location at either Greenbelt, MD; Landover, MD; or Springfield, VA.

GSA’s Draft EIS, released in November 2016, indicated that FBI recently completed a detailed analysis pointing to a need for additional parking. It was determined that the parking was not sufficient at either the Greenbelt, MD or Springfield, VA sites. The Final EIS will analyze the additional parking at each site and the associated impacts and proposed mitigations.

We are holding public meetings for each site to provide information about the methodology for changes in the modal splits, reasons for the change, impacts of the additional vehicles, and the resulting mitigations. It should be noted that the amount of parking at the Landover, MD site did not change from the Draft EIS; however, there were some revisions to the transportation mitigation measures that may be of interest.

This update provides an opportunity for the community to start formulating their comments on the Final EIS as well as to ask questions, provide input, and learn how to participate in the FBI HQ transportation activities after the conclusion of the Final EIS. The meetings will be held from 6:00 p.m. on the dates and at the locations noted below:

Greenbelt Site: Monday, February 13th, 2017
Greenbelt Public Library Auditorium; 11 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770

Springfield Site: Tuesday, February 14th, 2017
Robert E. Lee High School Cafeteria; 6540 Franconia Road, Springfield, VA 22150

Landover Site: Wednesday, February 15th, 2017
Kentland Community Center Multipurpose Rooms 2 & 3; 2413 Pinebrook Avenue, Landover, MD 20785

FBI Headquarters Consolidation
Draft Environmental Impact Statement

  1. Executive Summary [PDF - 8 MB]
  2. Chapter 1: Introduction [PDF - 737 KB]
  3. Chapter 2: Proposed Action and Alternatives [PDF - 7 MB]
  4. Chapter 3: Impact Evaluation Methodology [PDF - 1 MB]
  5. Chapter 4: J. Edgar Hoover (JEH) Parcel [PDF - 13 MB]
  6. Chapter 5: Greenbelt Alternative [PDF - 12 MB]
  7. Chapter 6: Landover Alternative [PDF - 11 MB]
  8. Chapter 7: Springfield Alternative [PDF - 12 MB]
  9. Chapter 8: Cumulative Impacts [PDF - 1 MB]
  10. Chapter 9: Public Involvement [PDF - 721 KB]
  11. Chapter 10: List of Preparers [PDF - 149 KB]
  12. Chapter 11: Distribution and Notification List [PDF - 404 KB]
  13. Chapter 12: List of Acronyms [PDF - 197 KB]
  14. Chapter 13: Reference List [PDF - 334 KB]
  15. Appendix A: FBI HQ Consolidation [PDF - 13 MB]
  16. Appendix B: JEH Parcel TIA, Part 1 [PDF - 9 MB]
  17. Appendix B: JEH TIA, Part 2 [PDF - 10 MB]
  18. Appendix B: JEH TIA, Part 3 [PDF - 8 MB]
  19. Appendix C: FBI HQ DEIS - Greenbelt TIA, Part 1 [PDF - 9 MB]
  20. Appendix C: FBI HQ DEIS - Greenbelt TIA, Part 2 [PDF - 9 MB]
  21. Appendix C: FBI HQ DEIS - Greenbelt TIA, Part 3 [PDF - 6 MB]
  22. Appendix D: FBI HQ DEIS - Landover TIA, Part 1 [PDF - 9 MB]
  23. Appendix D: FBI HQ DEIS - Landover TIA, Part 2 [PDF - 10 MB]
  24. Appendix D: FBI HQ DEIS - Landover TIA, Part 3 [PDF - 7 MB]
  25. Appendix E: FBI HQ DEIS - Springfield TIA, Part 1 [PDF - 9 MB]
  26. Appendix E: FBI HQ DEIS - Springfield TIA, Part 2 [PDF - 9 MB]

The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires federal agencies to consider the effects that a proposed action may have on historic resources and to consult on means to avoid, minimize, or mitigate effects determined to be adverse. For the proposed action, GSA’s EIS will include a summary of the proposed action’s potential impact to cultural resources. In conjunction with GSA’s NEPA documentation, GSA will fulfill its Section 106 responsibilities by conducting consultation as necessary with consulting parties to evaluate the potential for effects to historic resources on or near the sites under consideration for the new FBI Headquarters.

GSA has determined, and the DC State Historic Preservation Office has concurred, that the J. Edgar Hoover Building is not eligible under Criteria Consideration G for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Section 106 consultation will evaluate the potential for effects to adjacent and nearby National Register-listed properties, including the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site.

Section 106

Programmatic Agreement and Exhibits


Consulting Party Meetings

Reference Documents and Links

Section 110

Information may be uploaded to this section at a later date, should stewardship responsibilities for the J. Edgar Hoover Building, while still in GSA ownership, come into effect.