Personal property team facilitates computer donation to South Carolina schools

In July, Regional Administrator Jason Shelton joined Congressman James E. Clyburn’s district director and members of the Personal Property Management Division in the Southeast-Great Lakes Zone in Manning, South Carolina to present much-needed computers to two local schools.
The Computers for Learning program, established in 1996 by former President Clinton, allows federal agencies to transfer excess computers to schools and non-profit educational organizations. When a federal agency determines they have a surplus of computers, they reach out to the Property Disposal Team to find homes for the equipment.
The team transferred 56 laptops ($57,624 acquisition value) to the two schools. The donation of 28 laptops to Wilder Elementary school provides a full class set for students there, said Principal Joaquin Brown. An additional 28 laptops provided to East Clarendon High School will help them address limited resources for students at the rural high school.

“It is an honor to give back and provide resources that will have a generational impact on students to help them learn, grow, and develop as they go forward in their school and lifetime careers to do things that will impact their families and the community,” said Regional Administrator Shelton. “I’d like to thank Kenya Crosson, Senior Property Disposal Specialist for facilitating this donation.”
Since January 1, 2022, GSA has helped facilitate the transfer of more than 42,980 items (with an acquisition value of more than $68 million) to students – from college age to elementary students across the country.