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Tim Ronan takes over as new LAM in Nebraska

Portrait of a person wearing a shirt and tie in front of the American flag.

After serving five years as building manager at the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Courthouse, Tim Ronan has taken the role of lease administration manager for the Nebraska Field Office.

Ronan came to GSA in 2016 after spending most of his career with the Department of Defense where he worked in building and equipment maintenance, completed office renovations, and monitored contracts. He served in the Air Force from 2016 to 2000.

A native of Philadelphia, he moved to Omaha after graduating from Northeast Catholic High School in 1995. He earned an applied science degree in civil engineering, with a specialty in building and structures in 2014. 

He said he finds relaxation in reading, playing guitar, expressing himself through artwork, and spending time with his wife, two daughters, granddaughter, and friends.

What do you look forward to most about being a lease administration manager?

I am excited to continue to learn about a different part of the GSA business and have the opportunity to meet new people and visit the facilities in Nebraska and Iowa.

How do you think your experience as building manager prepared you for the new role?

I believe many of the skills as a building manager will cross over nicely. But problem-solving and understanding how to service customers with unique personalities and circumstances will be key.