Maintenance details
Custodial services
We provide cleaning for assigned space equal to commercial cleaning for similar space. The following services are standard: vacuuming, sweeping and dusting; emptying trash; servicing restrooms, lobbies, corridors, and other common areas; servicing loading docks and platforms; washing windows; and pest control. Carpet spot removal can be done on an as-needed basis. Overall shampooing is done as a reimbursable service and should take place on a regular basis to preserve the appearance and condition of the carpet. For custodial requests, contact the janitorial contractor supervisor at 707-546-3395. Contact the GSA Property Manager at 510-637-5000 or
Tenants are encouraged to take advantage of the building-wide recycling program, which includes paper, glass bottles and jars, metal cans, plastic containers and cardboard. Any questions regarding recycling, please contact the janitorial contractor supervisor at 707-546-3395 or the GSA Property Manager at 510-537-5000 or
Displays and personal property
Do not post or display any material outside tenant space without first contacting the GSA Property Manager at 510-637-5000.Do not put surplus items in building common space such as corridors, elevators, loading dock, etc. Doing so may impede egress should the building need to be evacuated. We will be glad to advise you about excess property.
Additional services
Ten hours of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting are provided at no additional cost during normal duty hours. Additional service outside this timeframe is available on a reimbursable basis with advanced notice to the GSA Property Management Office at 510-637-5000 or
Standard services are commonly included as part of the rent charged by GSA as documented in the Occupancy Agreement. Reimbursable services are normally excluded from the rent and are funded through a Reimbursable Work Authorization (RWA). Examples include after-hours lighting, special or after-hours cleaning, office space carpet cleaning, uninterruptible power services, and non-standard trash removal.
Construction (space alterations)
Space alterations should not be performed without first contacting the GSA Property Manager at 510-637-5000 or We can provide alteration solutions to meet your needs. Alteration projects are normally funded through a Reimbursable Work Authorization (RWA). Also, it is building policy that work that might disrupt building tenants such as paint fumes, construction noise, etc. be accomplished after standard building operating hours.
Utility closet access
Tenant and tenant vendor access to electrical and telephone closets can be obtained by contacting the Property Management Office at or the operations and maintenance contractor at 707-545-2449. Please do not install equipment in these closets without first contacting the GSA Property Management Office.
To minimize disruption to other occupants, we encourage tenants to arrange large deliveries outside of normal business hours. In the event of after-hour activities, the tenant will be responsible for arranging guard services by contacting the Renate Rand at 415-522-4358 or by emailing
Occupant emergency plan
As the lead tenant in this building, the Office of the Federal Public Defender is responsible for creating and updating the occupant emergency plan. Please take time to become familiar with it, and participate in building security committee meetings.