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    Modernizing eRulemaking: Testing reCAPTCHA, Beta Redirects

    | Office of Government-wide Policy
    GSA plans to test reCAPTCHA, beginning July 22, 2020, on the site.  reCAPTCHA is part of ongoing efforts to support the integrity of the rulemaking process and manage the role of…
  • Transparency in IT Spending Improves Outcomes and Saves Taxpayer Dollars

    | GSA's TBM Team

    The U.S. General Services Administration has amended its TBM Request for Information (RFI), originally posted on June 18, 2018. The amended RFI announces the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) plan to direct agencies to use GSA IT Schedule 70 to procure Technology Business Management (TBM) tools and services, and solicits updated information from TBM tool vendors.

  • A Federal Perspective on Security Operations Centers as a Service (SOCaaS)

    | Dan Jacobs, Cybersecurity Coordinator, Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management (FICAM)
    Earlier this summer, Dan Jacobs, Cybersecurity Coordinator for GSA’s Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management (FICAM) Team, presented on Security Operations Centers as a Service (SOCaaS) in…
  • Collaborating for Better Design, Technology and User Experience

    | John Sullivan, Director, Government-wide IT Accessibility Program
    Overview of initiatives across Federal government that focus on IT design, development and accessibility.
  • Implementation of Order-Level Materials Improves the Schedules Program

    | Mark Lee, Assistant Commissioner, GSA FAS Office of Policy and Compliance
    GSA is pleased to announce one of the biggest improvements to its Schedules Program since its creation: the Order-Level Materials (OLM) initiative is now live. GSA announced the final General Services…